"Oh God....she's still pooping...."

Monday, April 23, 2007

Dr. Updates and is hair style hereditary

I did not know that hair styles are hereditary but apparently they are.
Like father like daughter.

Okay, Elizabeth went for her 4 month check-up/shots today. She was according to their scales and stuff she is reading 24 inches long(25% percential but I honestly think that they didn't catch her in fully stretched out and 14 pd and 13 oz.(75%) and her head is 16 1/4 cm.(50%) So, she is on track as far as that goes.

Elizabeth at one month.

We actually saw our friends one month old on Friday and just couldn't believe how much growing and changing Elizabeth has done in 3 little months. Elizabeth can sit on your knee and keep her own head up for like forever now. Her face has filled out and she's grown a whole foot since she was born. I'll try to dig a one month picture and let you compare. She smiles now all of the time; especially, if you stick your tongue out at her. She reaches out and grabs things now; hair, toys, the dog’s fur and anything else within her grasp. She studies everything around her. She no longer falls asleep in group settings anymore. I think it because she’s afraid that she'll miss something. She outgrown her cradle rocker and was given the green light to try solid foods. I'll let you know how that goes...believe me I am scared about the messes this will entail. She can sleep through the night and can dance (her form of dancing at least {think Elaine from Seinfeld}) when music starts. She loves to be sung to and is trying to talk to you (granted its still grunts) but to her they are important grunts.
Elizabeth a week ago.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Attack of the Killer Bunnies


Hippity, Hoppity, Easter has come and gone.

Great-Grandma Dorothy(left) Great-Grandpa Charles (below) with Miss Elizabeth.

We all piled in the car for the trip back to Galesburg for the Easter weekend. I probably over packed but I didn't want to be in the middle of nowhere in Indiana and in need of something. It was a nice trip home. We got to spend some quality time with my parents and my sisters. My grandparents and Uncles and Aunts got a chance to meet and hold Miss Elizabeth. We got her baptized, and that was an interesting experience. She didn't cry when they were pouring the water on her head, but a minute and a half later she spat up all over her pretty dress. I told Frank that was the last of the evil leaving her. After the baptism, we had a lovely lunch and Elizabeth was spoiled with lots of attention, well wishes and gifts. The trip back, on the other hand, was not fun as all. On the way to Galesburg, it was dark and Elizabeth slept most of the time. On the trip back to Dayton she was wide awake and angry about having to be trapped in a car seat. We had to stop several times to try and keep her happy and Frank sat in the back seat with her from the Indiana/Illinois border to home. But, all in all, it was a great trip home and super great to see everyone again. I have attached a bunch of pictures . . . enjoy.

Father Joe blessing her with the oil on her chest.

The actual pouring of the new baptismal water on her head.

Final blessing after the spit up.