"Oh God....she's still pooping...."

Thursday, September 13, 2007

More pictures and updates.

So, Elizabeth is zipping at amazingly fast crawling speeding. She can get from one end of the house to the other in no time... Which is to say that the dog's bowl is in constant jeopardy of being tipped over. She also loves to play with the dog empty food bowl... it's metal and apparently makes a pleasing noise when it bangs and clangs on the floor. She also has said she second confirmed and repeated word. She now has ma/mom/ and hello that right hello. We had just gotten back from a trip to NC to visit relatives for Labor Day and she standing(with help of course) on the kitchen table playing with her light up duck when she turned to our good friend Amy and said "hello". Clear as a bell... Frank looked at me like I said it and I told him it wasn't me. So, the words are coming of course still no dad or da but since she calls Frank ma ma I told him at least she recognizes how much you care about her and mean to her.

Elizabeth also has a secret passion(although this maybe all baby's secret passion) she can not resist the call of a tower of stacked anything (blocks, towels, oneies) they must fall. Last night she was on the far end of the family room and I was staking up her blocks, she turned around and saw the stack and like a flash she had crawled across the floor and was knocking over the tower. She had a big smile and her face and a look that said Mom, do it again... (which we did for like ten minutes me stacking, I'd get about three blocks high and then bomb Elizabeth knocking them over again.)

What else, while in NC she got to swing alone in her first baby on the real playground and she went swimming for about an hour, splashing and kicking until her little heart was content. She also has started to get braver; she will pull herself up on anything really (including the leg of your pants) and is starting to let go (which of course leads to landing on the tush but she doesn't mind and does it again. She can also walk along a piece of furniture or the fire place mantel. She also has learned how to climb over/through things. She has learned how to climb over pillows on the floor and over/through her activity thingie.

What else do I know.... Everyday she amazes me and she is doing and learning her things all the time. She has four teeth now and she will bite hard if you try to put your finger in her mouth. She goes for her nine month check-up at the end of September... Hard to believe and yet exciting to see...

I am sooo ready to swim...


Blogger kelly said...

Oh my goodness is she growing like a weed! Its hard to believe how fast the time goes isn't it?!

1:59 PM

Blogger kelly said...

p.s. its great to see the update too! I've missed them!

1:59 PM


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