Whose the monkey here?
Where to begin...
First of all, Elizabeth is doing great according to the doctor. Her last check-up (June 21st her 6 month check-up) she was 17.4 pound and her height and head were within the 50% percentile. So that is good news. She has been eating stage 1 foods for about 2 months now and soon we will be trying stage 2 food which include meats and mac n' cheese. She loves everything that she has tried so far except peas. But, I figure that we can try peas again when she can eat fresh peas because I couldn't even eat a spoonful of the stage 1 peas(yuck!)
What else.... Elizabeth got to spend a fun filled week with her Grandparents in the middle of June while we went to San Francisco for a wedding and vacation. When we got back she showed us the tricks that she was working on with grands. She no longer minds tummy time and about a week after we got back she learned that if she wants out of tummy time all she has to do is roll from her front unto her back. So, she can now roll either direction, front to back or back to front. Thus, making her very dangerous because now she can roll all around a room if you put her on the floor and there is something that she wants she will use a combination of rolling and pushing off on anything she can reach to get to what interests her. Which means its time to double check for baby proofing... She can also sit up by herself for a good long time unless she sees something that she wants off to the side then she falls over right away. What else, oh if you give her some balance she can stand in place and bounce for minutes (which she loves to do). She will stand anywhere you give her the chance the floor, the table or the top of the bed; it doesn't matter. We also think that she has accidentally said a couple of different words we have heard ma-ma(but when she is hungry she also says mmmmmammammmam ) but then the other day out of the blue it sounded like she said elmo. I'm sure that she didn't mean Elmo but two sounds happened to come back to back with each other.(so I don't know if it counts) What else she is trying to creep on the floor she just needs to figure out how to get her arms under her body while raising up on her knees. She is also trying to sit up on her own... She hasn't done it yet but she is doing some very convincing sit-ups in the process.
She has traveled to such wild and crazy places as Quad Cities(the Illinois side at least), Fort Wayne, IN and Columbus, Ohio. But we haven't gotten her over either the Ohio or the Mississippi Rivers. But she will take care of the Ohio when we travel to NC later on this summer so she can meet her Grandma Bertha, Aunt Rhonda, Uncle Tim and Jake, Jessica and Summer.
Memorial Day weekend she got to go home and meet her Aunt Theresa and cousin Rachel and she got to go her first zoo trip... She also got a build a monkey and to see her fish friends again. She loves the fish tank at her grandparents house. She also got to go on her first merry go round ride. She loved it...
She also got to attend her first graduation ceremony (no not for her) Her cousin Kris graduated from High School earlier this month and she got to see and experience the whole graduation celebration. (and yes, she was awake for the whole thing)
What else is going on? Since today is the 4th of July she has a special onesies with Uncle Sam on it that says "I want you to change my diaper!" I thought that it really capsures the spirt of the 4th. Hopefully, we will able to get here into swim lessons soon. Since she loves kicking on her little duck tub.