And the Emmy for Gender Identity Goes To . . .
Pop quiz, hotshots. What will Spawn be?
(A) Boy
(B) Girl
(C) Human
(D) Pod Person
(E) Tony Kornheiser
(F) Wait, we're having a baby? How come I wasn't informed of this? Damn interns failing to update my calendars. . .
(G) We think it's a girl, but we're not completely sure b/c (1) Spawn mooned us most of the time, (2) squirmed around waaaaaayyyy too much, and (3) even when we were able to get a view of the upper leg/torso area, Spawn refused to open its legs for anyone to peek, but the thought is that its likely a girl based upon what was seen, but we'll have to wait for another 4 weeks to get a more definitive answer.
If you answered "G," give yourself a gold star and a cookie. If you answered D, you watch waaay too much Sci Fi channel. If you answered E, what the hell is wrong with you?
For now, its probably 75/25 likely to be a girl, with a more definitive answer in a few weeks (as Spawn gets bigger... and maybe a little less squirmy...)
Chris will post pictures later. . . mazel tov!
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