"Oh God....she's still pooping...."

Friday, July 21, 2006

Dr. Visit 7/21/2006

Well, I had a doctor 's visit this morning . It was rather uneventful. All the blood work that they did last time came back normal, so that's good news . No ultrasound , unfortunately, so no new pictures or other updates of that nature ("So, no, we don't know the sex yet. . . and the secret is killing Chris!" -- Frank). He did listen for Spawn, but he had a hard time actually getting to hear the heartbeat; every time he picked it up, Spawn swam away from the ultrasound microphone. The doctor did say that he could hear Spawn moving around in there, so that's a relief, but no heart rate measure this time around (if Spawn is this active in utero, this bodes poorly for the Frankovian household) . Then he sent me over for more blood work to test for anything and everything else that he didn't test for last time (such as birth defects like spina bifida, down's syndrome, or cystic fibrosis) . He said that he would call if anything came back troubling, so I am honestly hoping not to hear from his office until Aug. 11 (my next appointment ) .

What else is new? I think we are going this weekend to pick out baby supplies from Babies 'R Us . We've already put together a registry at Target; now we're going to go see about registering for things that we either couldn't find at Target or didn't like. That should be fun ("I like playing with the scanner gun; you don't know how much resolve it took for me NOT to register for an XBox 360." -- Frank) . We're going to figure out which car seat is the safest and which stroller is the best buy. My head is already spinning ("No dear, the Linda Blair spinning hasn't even started yet." -- Frank)


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