"Oh God....she's still pooping...."

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dr's Appointment

All quiet on the Elizabethan front. The updates are the good, bad and the ugly... The good, my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat are all fine and within acceptable ranges. The bad, I have some swelling in my legs and may be retaining water. The ugly, well maybe not ugly but more like disheartening: I am still at less than 1 cm, so still some time (in theory) until the show gets on the road. Other doctor news is that next week he wants me to have one more ultrasound (I guess to double check the baby's size and to confirm that it is in the proper position for delivery). I go back again for another checkup on Monday morning so maybe I'll have some more interesting news by then. The doctor thinks the baby is ... well... a big-un. I tremble in fear (Frank wonders if I'm giving birth to a nuclear sub).

In work-related news, I work with a great group of people. Yesterday, we had our annual winter feast-a-paloza, and the team gave Frank, Elizabeth and I a number of incredible gifts, including a beautiful quilt, a couple of cd's of lullabies, a couple of Target cards (diapers and wipes, here we come), and a signed copy of a children's book illustrated by one of my coworker's/friend's nephew. I was so surprised, and the card that they gave us was super-sweet and homemade. I had to keep biting the inside of my cheek so I wouldn't start crying in front of everyone. I work with some really great people.

In other baby news, I have finally hit the stage where I am feeling really, really pregnant. I feel more "waddledly" when I walk, and if I sit in one spot too long, the baby lets me know about it when I stand up (to go to the bathroom again). Sadly, at this point all the studying for the test is over and it's the last five minutes before the final exam begins. So, you have the fear of the test and the bigger fear that you didn't study hard enough and the biggest fear of all -- failing the test. Granted, the test is an 18 year plus test, but that doesn't mean that the fear and apprehension are any less than a final test for anything; if anything it's greater because if you screw up a test, it's only your own life you're messing up. However, if I mess this final up, I am not only messing up my life, but also a sweet little baby's life too. Okay, I am going to stop writing now because the last line made me want to cry, and once I start crying, well stopping is hard.

(Frank -- in rebuttal to the final paragraph): Don't worry sweetie! I'll be right there for you for "the big exam," making sure you don't fall asleep again like you did during the Ethics Exam (Seriously, people, we're taking a Final Exam, and I'm dutifully writing away about legal ethics -- save your snide comments -- and I hear snoring beside me; sure enough, Chris had fallen asleep during the exam. I tap her in the ribs and remind her that -- hello -- you have an exam to finish. I still give her tons of crap about that to this day). We're in the test together, and I have a remarkable ability to bull**** through tons of things, so it's all good in the hood. So don't cry, or I'll force Marby to kiss you to death!


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